8 Ways to Cleanse Crystals: Purify & Charge Its Energy

Have you been feeling like your crystals have been a bit down lately? Maybe it’s time to give them a good spa day to cleanse and recharge their vibrant energies. In this blog post, we are diving deep into the magical world of cleansing and charging crystals to bring back their original sparkle and magnificent vibes.

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What’s The Difference Between Cleansing & Charging Crystals?

Great question! “Cleansing” refers to the process of removing negative energy accumulated in the crystals. Picture giving them a deep detox that clears all the stagnant energy. On the other hand, “charging” is like giving your crystals a dose of vitamin D; it reinvigorates them, bringing their healing properties back to life.

When Should You Cleanse Your Crystals?

Just like us, crystals absorb energy from their surroundings. It’s ideal to cleanse and charge them regularly, especially if you use crystals daily for meditation or energy work. A simple rule of thumb: the more often you use them, the more they need to be cleansed and recharged to maintain their vibrant energy.

How To Cleanse Crystals?

Get ready to let the rejuvenation begin! Below, we explore the myriad ways you can pamper your crystal buddies.

1. Smudging with Insence

Let’s start with an aromatic and calming method. Hold your crystal in your dominant hand and allow the smoke from burning incense to envelop it. Visualize the smoke taking away the negativity, leaving your crystal radiant and sparkling with positive energy.

2. Use Sage

Another great way to clear your crystals is to use sage, a powerful cleansing agent that has been used for centuries. Light the tip of a sage stick and let the smoke envelop your beloved stones, chanting a little blessing if you feel called to.

3. Try Palo Santo

Similar to sage, Palo Santo holds great cleansing properties. Hold your crystal near the sweet-smelling smoke and visualize a radiant light enveloping it, restoring its natural balance.

4. Salt can be helpful

A bath isn’t just rejuvenating for us but for our crystals too! Create a bowl with Himalayan salt and water to soak your non-porous stones like quartz and amethyst for a few hours. Remember, porous stones like malachite should not be submerged, as they can get damaged.

5. Cleansing crystals with water

A simple yet powerful way to cleanse is to place your crystals under running water from a faucet or natural source. As you rinse them, visualize the water washing away all the negativity. Pat them dry gently afterward.

6. Purify stones with earth

Connect your crystals back to Mother Earth by burying them inches deep into the soil. This method allows them to absorb the earth’s natural energy, refreshing and recharging their vibrational frequency.

7. Don’t forget about the moonlight 

On a full moon night, place your crystals near an open window or outside to bathe in the moon’s glow, aligning with your intentions and recharging their energy to a celestial tune.

8. Using Selenite For Crystal Cleansing

Place your crystals on a selenite slab to cleanse and recharge them. This method is wonderful because selenite has the unique ability to self-cleanse, sharing its purity with other crystals.

How to Cleanse Healing Crystals. FAQ

In the radiant world of crystal healing, there are always buzzing questions, eager learners, and even the curious bystanders asking – how exactly do we cleanse these vibrant beings that are gemstones? Here’s a handful of the most common questions answered for you!

How often should I cleanse my gemstones?

Now, this is a bit like asking how often should you shower; it significantly depends on your activities. Generally speaking, giving your gemstones a good cleanse every 30 days to realign with the lunar cycle is a splendid idea. You can adjust this based on your usage; if you are working with crystals daily, a bi-weekly cleanse can maintain their vibrant energies. It’s all about tuning in and perceiving what your stone is signaling to you.

Should I cleanse my new crystals?

Absolutely, yes! Imagine moving into a new home; you would want to cleanse and brighten up the space before settling in, wouldn’t you? The same goes for your new sparkling friends. Giving them a nice cleanse will refresh their vibration, setting a beautiful blank canvas for your energetic artwork to unfold. It’s kind of giving them a warm, welcoming hug.

What is the best method for cleansing stones?

There are numerous ways of cleansing (as I’ve outlined above) each singing in harmony with different stones. A universal favorite is using a bowl of water and let the crystal soak for a few hours, particularly in saltwater for stones like clear quartz and amethyst (but avoid doing this for calcite and pyrite, darling, they don’t enjoy a salt bath). Another splendid method is to set your stone under solar or lunar light; a bath in direct sunlight or a gentle lunar embrace works wonders. Also, who could ignore the mystical symphony of sound healing using tuning forks or reiki? Remember to deeply inhale, connecting at an energetic level while doing so. Find what resonates with you and your gemstone buddies, and go with that vibrant flow!

How do I know when a stone is cleansed?

Now, this could be a bit intuitive. Typically, a cleansed stone feels lighter, vibrant, and you can feel a certain ‘spark’ when you hold the stone in your dominant hand. You could also use visualization techniques to see a bright light enveloping the stone, removing all the lingering energies. Don’t worry, dear soul; with time and practice, you’ll be a pro at sensing the refreshed vibration of your gems!

Why is it important to cleanse your crystals?

Just as we need regular showers to feel fresh and light, crystals need to cleanse to function at their vibrant best. Crystals work tirelessly, absorbing the energies around them to keep your space and chakras harmonious. Cleansing not only rejuvenates their vibration but ensures they are at their most potent and beneficial for you, giving a whole new meaning to your spiritual exploration and crystal healing journey. So, make it a ritual, darling, to cherish and nurture your crystal companions.

Final Thoughts 

And there we are, the fascinating excursion into the ins and outs of cleansing your shimmering gem companions comes to a close. Whether you’re using geodes, tuning into the lunar cycle, or engaging with smaller crystals, remember that each method brings forth a symphony of healing and vibrant energies to aid your spiritual voyage.

Embrace the magic that is crystal healing, intertwining with visualization and a variety of cleansing techniques, to foster a bond with your gemstones that is both nurturing and deeply personal. As you go forward, let your intuition guide you, holding the stone in your hand, feeling its heartbeat and understanding its needs.

Now, go on, adventurous soul. Submerge your crystal in a bowl of water, or wrap them in the gentle smoke of sweetgrass, cleanse away and watch as each stone blossoms into a beacon of vibrating energies, ready to guide you on a path of discovery and spiritual wellness.

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