Can Tiger’s Eye Go In Water? Is This Crystal Safe in Water?

Are you curious about the fascinating properties of Tiger’s Eye and its compatibility with water? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this captivating blog post, we will explore the intriguing world of Tiger’s Eye and its interaction with water. Join me on this enlightening journey as we unravel the secrets behind this remarkable crystal.

Tiger’s Eye, with its mesmerizing beauty and powerful energy, has captured the hearts of crystal enthusiasts worldwide. But when it comes to water, there are often questions and concerns about whether this crystal can safely be immersed or exposed to water. Fear not, for we shall delve into the depths of this topic to provide you with the answers you seek.

Let’s start by delving into the durability of Tiger’s Eye. With a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, according to experts at, Tiger’s Eye exhibits excellent durability, making it suitable for various uses. This remarkable resilience ensures that the crystal can withstand contact with water without compromising its structural integrity.

Furthermore, it’s important to appreciate the geographical rarity of Tiger’s Eye. Sourced primarily from the northern Cape province of South Africa, this crystal possesses a unique allure that sets it apart. Its scarcity adds a sense of exclusivity, making it even more desirable among crystal collectors and enthusiasts.

Beyond its physical attributes, Tiger’s Eye is renowned for its exceptional healing properties. As noted by the Learning Strategies Center at Cornell University, this captivating crystal is believed to have the ability to balance emotional and physical well-being while fostering self-confidence. It serves as a powerful ally on our spiritual journey, empowering us to embrace our inner strength and overcome obstacles.

To fully understand the significance of Tiger’s Eye in relation to water, we must also consider its historical and cultural symbolism. Throughout time, this stone has been revered as a talisman of prosperity and courage. Its presence is known to offer comfort, protection, and a profound sense of empowerment to those who seek its transformative energies.

Now, the burning question remains: Can Tiger’s Eye go in water? Join me in the upcoming sections of this blog post as we explore the answer in-depth. 

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Tiger’s Eye Crystal: Can It Go In Water?

Let’s cut to the chase, can the Tiger Eye go in water? Ah, you’re eager, I see. Tiger’s Eye is indeed a hydrothermal quartz. That’s a fancy way of saying this eye-catching crystal can survive a dip in water. However, the caveat here is – it prefers a clean, pure soak. So, yes, our tiger eye can go in water, but in the right kind of water.

Can Tiger’s Eye Crystal Go In Water?

Nodding your head in agreement, I see? Yes, Tiger’s Eye can swim, but it’s a little picky. Tap water with harsh chemicals like chlorine or aerated soda water will not give a nice spa bath experience to your gemstone. In fact, these can damage the crystal. So our beloved Tiger’s Eye is a wee bit selective about its bath water, yearning for a more pristine and untouched environment, like spring water or filtered, chemically treated water are off the table. Stick to clean, natural water and let the tiger take its bath.

Tips for Cleaning Tiger’s Eye Crystal

To cleanse your crystal, you need to treat it like a fussy toddler. Don’t go dangling it for long periods of time in a bowl of water. It’s perfectly safe to use water for a quick-wash, but leaving your Tiger’s Eye submerged all night, could turn out to be damaging. In other words, gentle immersion is the way to cleanse Tiger’s Eye. Another way to cleanse would be to hold your crystal under a running stream of water. Picture a mini Tiger’s Eye waterfall, if you will. This will effectively dissolve any lingering negative energy and flush it away.

How to Cleanse Your Tiger’s Eye Crystal?

To cleanse the Tiger’s Eye, moon water is a delicious and divine option. You could also leave the crystal outside in a safe place during a full moonf. These ethereal approaches aside, physically cleaning the Tiger’s Eye, immerse it briefly, just for a few moments in warm water. Allow the water to wash over it and visualise the flow releasing any pent-up, negative energy. When it comes to saltwater however, it’s best to avoid using salt.

Salt happens to be abrasive and can scratch the surface of the Tiger Eye. After the cleanse, pat-dry your crystal, and voilà – it’s all ready to get back into faithful crystal duty, radiating its positive vibes and infusing every inch of your space with protective energy. In a nutshell, the Tiger’s Eye crystal can go in water, but it likes to do so on its own terms. Follow these tips on how to cleanse your Tiger’s Eye gently and effectively and your Tiger’s Eye will be ready to serve you with its amazing, soul-enhancing properties!’

Make Sure It Doesn’t Have Any Cracks/Damages

So, you’ve found yourself a gorgeous, shimmery piece of tiger’s eye stone. These gemstones are renowned for their eye-catching luster and for their unique ability to promote courage. Before you decide to use this water to cleanse it, you must ensure your crystal is in top-notch condition. And how do you do this? Well, firstly, scrutinize the surface of the crystal under some good light. Be all Sherlock Holmes about it. Investigate for any tell-tale signs of damage or cracks. If even a tiny crack is present, then my fellow spiritual seeker, hold your tiger’s eye back. Water, especially tap water, can intrude into cracks and potentially cause damage to your precious gemstone. 

Hold Under Running Water

 If your tiger’s eye stone is without a glitch, great! Rush it under some running water. Yes, tiger’s eye is a hydrothermal crystal meaning our lovely moon’s energy has already come into play in its formation. So, water, especially running water, can help clear away the residual energy and vibration left by its previous environment. Remember, use lukewarm or cool tap water. You’re using water, not fire, to cleanse. 

Don’t Use Salt/Chemically Treated Water

Now, here’s a crucial bit. It would be best if you avoid using any salt or chemically treated water for your tiger’s eye. The crystal, though hardy on the mohs scale, could still react adversely with chemicals. We’d hate to spoil the natural beauty of your gemstone, right? And when it comes to salt, oh boy, salt particles can be abrasively cruel. They might score the surface of your delicate crystal. So, let’s err on the side of caution. 

Thoroughly Dry Your Crystal

Once your crystal has had its water rejuvenation, remember to dry it, and I mean thoroughly. Even the smallest amount of moisture can invite unwanted energy back onto the surface of the crystal. So be sure to pat your tiger’s eye gently with a soft cloth. But hold it; the process doesn’t end here. Let it air dry. Just like us humans, sometimes crystals too prefer some peace and quiet to regain their original vibe. 

Can You Shower With Tiger’s Eye Crystal?

You might have heard some enthusiasts claim they shower with their precious stones like citrine, carnelian, and labradorite. But can you shower with your Tiger’s Eye Crystal? While it’s perfectly safe to put tiger’s eye in water, when it comes to showering, it’s a different story. My general rule of thumb? It’s better to keep your crystal near but not on you during your bath time.

Soap, shampoo, and, yes, even our beloved body oils can coat the surface of the tiger’s eye stone. And as we know, keeping the surface clean and clear is key to maintaining the stone’s energy and vibration. So, next time you want to take your gem into the shower, consider using sage or moonlight to cleanse crystals instead. Works like a charm.

Can Tiger’s Eye Go In Rainwater?

Let’s clear the air: Tiger’s Eye is a precious stone known for its brilliance, resilience, and the unique harmony it brings to one’s life. A common question, often asked in hushed tones as if in fear of causing this stone distress, is whether or not Tiger’s Eye can peacefully coexist with rainwater. The direct answer is yes, but with discretion. The Tiger’s Eye, part of the quartz family, sits confidently at a 7 on the mohs scale of hardness, making it repeated rainwater encounters-friendly. But, much like a teenager with boundaries, too much freedom (in this case, water) is not ideal. Long periods of time under rain can affect its vibrancy, potentially leading to a dulled appearance. As a rule of thumb, it’s best to err on the side of caution. Give your Tiger’s Eye its time in the rain but remember to bring it within warmer, drier confines, as well.

Can Raw Tiger’s Eye Go In Water?

Scaling up the intensity a notch, we find ourselves contemplating whether the raw Tiger’s Eye can survive submersion in water. Yes, it can, but only sparingly and only for brief moments. The value here is in the cleansing. Submersing in water, preferably under a full moon on the windowsill (there’s magic there too, trust me) is the best way to cleanse this stone, to wash away any negativity or energy stagnation. Again, remember, Tiger’s Eye wouldn’t appreciate a long soak in the bathtub.

Can tiger’s eye go in salt water?

Think of the salt water as a more potent version of rainwater in this context. Still cleansing, but on a deeper level, almost like a detoxifying process. Much like the Amethyst or the Chalcedony, the Tiger’s Eye can handle itself in salt water, bolstered by its hard crystal nature. Bear in mind, it is a process best reserved for particularly low energy days or when you feel a lack in self-confidence that these stones can counterbalance. Salt water baths for crystals are often suggested, although it’s best to cleanse them afterward with smudge or palo santo before letting it sit to dry, fully dried and unharmed under direct sunlight.


Tempted as you may be to baptize your Tiger’s Eye into water for long periods, remember the virtues of restraint. Even the strongest of crystals can corrode under watery onslaughts. Essentially, keep your cleansings short and sweet, typically with the added benefits of moonlight or direct sunlight. Whether you decide on freshwater, rainwater, or salt water, remember to let the stone fully dry, allowing the sun’s rays to penetrate and reactivate the stone’s properties. Final thoughts? Well, the Tiger’s Eye is a resilient stone, a crystal all-rounder that benefits its keeper immensely, interacting with one’s heart chakra like a melody in perfect harmony.

However, respect its preferences and your bond with this vibrant stone will only deepen. The holistic well-being promises of the Tiger’s Eye are undoubtedly worth the forethought and care involved. Ultimately, like any relationship, the one with your crystals needs nurturing. Treat your Tiger’s Eye gently, and in return, it will enhance your self-love, build your confidence, and bring prosperity to your life. Isn’t that a connection worth fostering?

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